LifePlugin Summit


Jinendra Jain

The event was full of positive Vibes, healing of body and mind, Love and togetherness, making new friends, exploring your passion, intuition and potential, dance, music and celebration. Lots to experience in 3 days at one place at a beautiful beach in Goa. Best thing was the visionary leadership and Energy of Gautam Khetrapal. I enjoyed each and every moment.


Harish Menon

I had enrolled for LifePlugin the first time without knowing much about what to expect. It turned out to be a magnificent experience over 3 days. The talks, speakers, sessions, experiences, activities and the people I was surrounded by made me feel like I was at a special place. Not only could I learn a lot, I could identify a lot of blind spots in myself. Made me aware of many things & above all made me really grateful for everything. Gautam and team curated an amazing tribe and experience that I would recommend everyone to have at least once.


Aahana Mulla

Every time I attend this wonderful wellness festival, a part of my soul is rejuvenated.
A gathering of like minded people helping themselves and each other play full out is really the best kinda gathering if you ask me and I'm always so grateful for the day I clicked on that insta ad and discovered it (pros of social media)
This time I even performed a set of my spoken word poetry which was definitely a confidence level up for me in that space of life.
We unlearnt, we learnt, we danced, we played, we forgave, we partied, we rested, we disconnected, we connected, we dreamt and started acting on our new dreams as individuals and a collective.


Catie Fruend

I didn’t know what to expect from my first summit and I was blown away. Between the incredible speakers, powerful breath and movement sessions, and connectivity events, everything was designed at such a high level. The energy throughout the entire weekend was powerful, high-vibe, and transformational. I felt myself embodying a version of me that’s filled with so much love and enthusiasm for life.

The most beautiful thing to me was seeing the impact it had on every attendee. The depth of connection with each other, the community as a whole, and within oneself was palpable. This is an experience that’s a gift that often comes exactly when we need it- pushing ourselves beyond our comfort zones and into what’s possible. So highly recommended and I’m excited to be back!


Nikhil Agarwal

I was not too sure what to expect, thought it would be a fun retreat and I’ll meet some new people. This was so much more than that for me.

What I experienced was interactions & social connections on a very raw, honest level without any facades or judgments. It is an environment where everyone is open and consciously working towards self growth, building a community and celebrating others journey and success just as you would yours. LifePlugin offered me a safe place to feel vulnerable.

LifePlugin offers life changing skills in a fun filled environment full of love. There is dance, there is joy, there is laughter, there are hugs and there is happiness. There are many breakthrough moments when you go through meditations, reflections, stillness, retrospection, forgiveness and much more. It is a reminder to PAUSE and reflect on things that matter to you. It is a reminder of the importance of loving yourself and expressing your love to others around you.

Attending the Life Plugin summit was hands down one of the best decisions I have made this year and I can definitely feel the magic after the summit. Something shifted distinctly within me.


Hamza Chittalwala

There’s a difference between knowing and committing!
Life Plugin has made me commit to change and turn myself into a better version.
The sessions, activities and meditations opened up so many new pathways and gave me such amazing breakthroughs! I've experienced stuff I could never even imagine or think about!

I came to find purpose and make some solid decisions, I went back with much more!
I went back with new relationships, a network of game changers, adrenaline experiences and a brand new me.


Jasmine Jhaveri

As per Oliver Burkeman we are here for only 4000 weeks!! So if I were to make each day count I would definitely push the pedal on an overdrive of growth and self-learning and that’s where Life Plug in comes in.

I’m a person who thrives on new experiences and isn’t afraid of the unknown but somehow when I signed up for LifePlugin I was a bit apprehensive as there was a huge setback I was coping with and I knew that jumping into this may turn out to be either disastrous or miraculous .

What I experienced was something beyond what I had imagined . It was magical, transformative and beautiful in all its conscious and subtle forms , because it helped me accelerate my journey to self discovery and ‘re-inventing Jasmine’ got a new energy through this platform where I bared my emotions and found so many new facets of myself. I cried , I laughed , I was vulnerable , I was tenacious but above all I started to look within and what’s the biggest testimonial then when someone says “ I love who I’m becoming.”
My deepest gratitude is to the founders, the entire team and the amazing speakers, facilitators and the tribe at large who helped us push our boundaries, be that person in whom someone could confide in and and also forge strong bonds of camaraderie.

As I walked through those doors the first time, I had opened the gates of a lifetime of learning, friendship and love.

Here’s to life!! Plug in.


Megha Gupta

LifePlugin.. What a phenomenal time, where everyone comes together in this
beautiful oneness, feeling protected and enough and loved. You are taken in as
one of their own the minute you walk in

My life journey (a story for another time) has been a roller coaster and a
half. I was skeptical about my emotional health but in our beautiful
vulnerability exercises, they all spoke to me. But most of all, my mind and
body spoke to me and I soon realized I could provide a safe space for others
to heal, rather than breaking down on my own. This is huge for me. It’s taken
me years and a few bullets in my chest to feel this way. I would definitely
want to be a part of it every year, meet the people I met and welcome more
into the family.
>Take a bow, the team who happily made us feel at home.
Yes, for those many days, we were Home.

Neha Dharwadkar

Neha Dharwadkar

so that you can create space for positivity and abundance, then you are extremely careful when inviting energies in your life as you wish to invite only those energies which absolutely vibe with yours or are better than yours. Life Plugin Summit is one such rare phenomena which is not only a symbiosis of high vibrational souls but also a gateway to transformational journey leading to greater heights of self-awareness and spiritual awakening.

The 3-day journey is all about self-evolution. And this is achieved with the help of experienced professionals, mentors, high profile speakers, spiritual enthusiasts etc. The sessions and group activities are highly engaging, knowledge enhancing, stimulating, emotionally triggering; directing you to encounter your light side and shadow side. Something that is a must for everyone. The cherry on the cake is the tribe you meet and friends you make. Voila, what more you can ask for in 3 days Gautam has a therapeutic voice. He has the ability to calm down the souls. Special thanks to Gautam, Siddhant and team for working hard and curating this event for us.

Rachit Manchanda

Rachit Manchanda

My experience was filled with surprises, learnings and knowledge that could only be touched with first hand experience.

People from across the country coming together with an open heart and hugging each other like they have known each other for a lifetime. With such a huge diversity, the experience just kept growing richer and richer with each passing hour and I am privileged to discover so much about myself.