Shruti Mohan

Shruti Mohan

"An environment where everyone wants to see you grow and bloom is such a rare find."...

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The concept of LifePlugin really caught my eye and it was an impulsive decision to attend it. And I’m so glad I did. The facilitators are people who live by the principles they speak about. An environment where everyone wants to see you grow and bloom is such a rare find. It’s not just talks. You get a direction with action steps and you have your tribe always pushing you forward. In our daily life, we don’t give ourselves time to pause and reflect on things. I got to do that here. There were some beautiful sessions. It’s something you should definitely experience once to say the least. Can’t wait to reunite with my tribe again.

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Shruti Mohan
BD Manager, Centillon

Stephanie Lutz

Stephanie Lutz

"It was truly unforgettable and one of the most positive weekends I’ve ever had."

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I came to LifePlugin Summit with zero expectations, and was completly floored by the talks, the people, and everything that was communicated and sparked changed in my life over the course of a few days.
To anyone who’s looking to get out of a rut in their life, and wants to be around supportive people who can kickstart the process, I would definitely recommend LifePlugin Summit. It’s not everyday that you meet so many experts in their fields ready to share their wisdom with you, as well as new quality friends from all over who are like-minded conscious people.
The people I met there and the staff were such amazing humans, I’m so happy for the experience. It was truly unforgettable and one of the most positive weekends I’ve ever had.
Definitely want to be back at the next one!

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Stephanie Lutz
Design Photography Creative Direction

Ashwath Vyas Sudam

Ashwath Vyas Sudam

"Going to LifePlugin Summit was a key decision I made in 2017."

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Going to LifePlugin Summit was a key decision I made in 2017. The experience at the summit was transformative to say the least. Deep insights into yourself is a luxury a lot of us don’t get. The entire team did a wonderful job of enabling us to identify areas of improvement and make the most of our time.

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Ashwath Vyas Sudam

Shubhra Chaturvedi

Shubhra Chaturvedi

"A portal to connect back to who you authentically are, a safe space to let go of the pretense."

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I came in with no expectations, left with a deep sense of my truths. Some truths that I was ignoring and delaying for a while, some that were buried deep in stories that i told myself and some that filled me with gratitude. Lifeplugin is a celebration of the whole being - "the body, mind and soul" along with a tribe that is so committed to changing their consciousness. A place where your soul is recognized and respected for being real, where you can let your guards down, get inspired, learn and play at the same time - beyond societal constructs. And changes that aren't just momentary but those that stay with you and urge you to reach the best version of yourself

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Shubhra Chaturvedi
Aromatherapist, Writer
Co-Founder Meraki Essentials

Meron Yazdegardi

Meron Yazdegardi

"I cannot and do not want to imagine a life without LifePlugin!"

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I had given up on any desire to excel in this cruel messed up world. LifePlugin is what destroyed all the false notions I had accumulated over the past few years of university. A single conversation is all it took to bring me back to life. My desire to master my intellect, to get in shape, to make money, to explore, all of it came back when I realised that I'm not the only one. Coming across LifePlugin has been the single most important thing in life yet.

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Meron Yazdegardi
Graphic Designer

Prelisa Dahal

Prelisa Dahal

"I saved whatever I had to make this experience count for me. The 3 days during LifePlugin were the best days of my life."

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Join the Tribe, it said when I checked on the youtube about LifePlugin at first. I saved whatever I had to make this experience count for me. The 3 days during LifePlugin were the best days of my life. The experience that I got was the real gem for me, network I found are the best people I would keep forever in my life, the learnings, growth, reflection were immensely beautiful.
Imagine an environment where everyone is obsessed with the self-growth and lift you up with them together, this is what LifePlugin is. This is the Tribe where you belong.

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Prelisa Dahal
Student, Computer Science
President 19.20, AIESEC in Kathmandu University, Nepal

Abhishek Rajput

Abhishek Rajput

"Over the last 3 Summits I have grown leaps and bounds in every area that I've chosen to focus on. I've lost 10 kgs, experienced what it means to Love myself and love someone else."

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LifePlugin gave me the realisation that to live a more fulfilled life I have to focus on all aspects of life like health, love, mindfulness, emotional cleansing, learning, building stronger Human connections etc. It is the ideal space for me to design my journey in each of these areas with the guidance of their mentors. Over the last 3 Summits I have grown leaps and bounds in every area that I've chosen to focus on. I've lost 10 kgs, experienced what it means to Love myself and love someone else, inculcated many new habits and so on.

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Abhishek Rajput
Co-Founder at Urban Pet House

Niluufer Jain

Niluufer Jain

"You may come out a changed person, just like I did."

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I not only gathered profound insights into how to take my life to another level but I also got to really deeply reflect on the current state of my life. I feel by the end of it I transformed myself fundamentally while attending quite a few stellar sessions. Sessions on identifying my core values and forgiveness have truly changed my perspective on myself as well as few of my relationships, something I didn’t believe could happen. I highly recommend attending the LifePlugin Summit. Who knows, you may come out a changed person, just like I did :)

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Niluufer Jain
Founder - The Happy Career Project

Rahul Dhiman

Rahul Dhiman

"No wishy-washy terminology, no life-altering medicines, and cures."

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LifePlugin offered a safe space, exclusive time, relatable issue and solutions that are nonchalant. No wishy-washy terminology, no life-altering medicines, and cures. LifePlugin helped me reconnect with nature, introspect and most importantly take the first step towards personal development and learning. Such basic yet important things that we ignore, can make a profound holistic impact.

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Rahul Dhiman
Director Sales - Increff

Surashree Rahane

Surashree Rahane

"Only if I knew that others could take me on a transformation journey like LifePlugin, my holistic approach towards life would have been found with less pain and more love from people."

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I always believed that I was self aware, that I learnt through my actions. But only if I knew that others could take me on a transformation journey like Life Plugin, my holistic approach towards life would have been found with less pain and more love from people from my tribe. This summit opened my eyes and heart to the bigger purpose of community, commitment and success. I now practice a mental, physical and spiritual approach towards life. I am making a point to give back to the society through whatever timely contributions I can. I make it a point to meet people from the tribe at least once a week to replenish my energy levels through the hugs, talks and dances. Thank you LifePlugin Summit team for these friendships of a lifetime.

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Surashree Rahane
India Education lead at HP
Angel Investor with India Network