Radhika Rai

” I have been suffering from chronic headaches since I was 13 years old, my chronic headache was relieved overnight”

I have been suffering from chronic headaches since I was 13 years old, I had severe pains and daily dependence on medications. In Gautam’s Personal Mastery session, I

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understood my internal emotional blockages & negative programming from childhood, and in a guided forgiveness process, it released the physical manifestations of my emotional pain, and my chronic headache was relieved overnight.It's almost a year now. I am glad that the severity of those headaches has gone down by 90%. I am consistently working on my physical health by eating right, exercising and practicing Emotional well-being practices to keep me going. I can't thank Gautam enough for helping me and making me aware of the root cause from where it all originated."

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Radhika Rai
Radhika RaiHappiness Coach, Founder or Circle of Hope

David Leyton

“Gautam is like a young combination of Tony Robbins, Jim Jeffries and Simon Sinek…”

Gautam is like a young combination of Tony Robbins, Jim Jeffries and Simon Sinek... And what that means is that he’ll change your life, all while making you laugh along the

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way. He’s also one of few young people I know who have mastered life design, knows how to teach it, and can kick your ass if needed to. Apart from that, he’s one of the coolest guys I know, and one from which I know you’ll truly love learning from!”

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David Leyton
David LeytonContent Marketer & Digital Entrepreneur, Nicaragua

Naushina Shaikh

“It helped me release something deep rooted traumas from my childhood”

"Although I have done something similar in my NLP practice, the way Gautam curated it, helped me release something deep rooted traumas from my childhood. The resonance with

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his story helped release something I was holding back."

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Naushina Shaikh
Naushina ShaikhHolistic Wellness Coach, NLP Master, Yoga Gold Medalist & Celebrity Fashion Stylist

Dipika Mashruwala

“I had lots and lots of burden on myself which were all washed out slowly and steadily by the exercises in this program.”

I was diagnosed with clinical depression and was on and off the medicines since 2006 and then, LifePlugin Personal Mastery program “came” to me. I was astounded to do

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Thanks a million from the bottom of my heart.❤️

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Dipika Mashruwala
Dipika MashruwalaHousewife (TBC)

Anjali Gada

“I’ve started getting better sleep and I feel fit, healthy & positive”

This journey was one that I’ll cherish all my life. It was an eye opener that showed me the importance of personal growth and has helped me focus on what matters and become

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the conscious creator of my journey. With the help of Gautam’s exercises, I’ve seen great benefits in my physical health as well. I’ve started getting better sleep and I feel fit, healthy & positive. I am confident that only good things are waiting for me ahead.

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Anjali Gada
Anjali GadaEntrepreneur

Ruchika Yadav

“I witnessed a strong shift in my belief system around myself, work, money and happiness.”

I was carrying childhood trauma and an old baggage of disempowering beliefs. Through this 21 Day personal transformational journey, I witnessed a strong shift in my belief

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system around myself, work, money and happiness. I am extremely thankful to Gautam for helping me in learning forgiveness. It is not easy but it is very important we start and slowly, gradually I am discovering ease at acknowledging myself, my people and forgiving what no longer serves me.

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Ruchika Yadav
Ruchika YadavAuthor and Blogger