Stories From Our Tribe

Read How LifePlugin Impacts People

Hear Their Stories

The Magic of LifePlugin is Best Expressed by the People
Who Attend our Events. Here’s what they have to say…

LifePlugin is fueled by your stories

Your happiness and success is at the heart of everything we do. Every story acts
as a powerful mission reminder for us. Hearing your stories of transformation
and friendships are the fuel that keeps us going. What’s your story?

What People Are Saying

Stories About LifePlugin From Our Community

LifePlugin was one of the
most remarkable
transformational experiences

I had no idea what I was in for. And that is coming from a co-founder of an international education company, a person 15 years in personal growth and transformation industry, someone who personally knows most of teachers, authors and influencers in our field and, believe me, I’ve been to a million events but hands down, LifePlugin was for me, one of the most remarkable transformational experiences.

Kristina Mand Lakhiani
Co-Founder, Mindvalley

“LifePlugin is like a well meaning friend holding your hand and taking you along a journey which will see you a much better person after these 3 days!”

What a fantastic conference! These 3 days will transform your life if you allow yourself to learn and engage.

They get some of the best speakers and practitioners in the area of personal transformation, and have them take you along a deep dive into the areas of their expertise, in a safe and non-judgmental space.

The format is very interactive and engaging. You get to also meet many other like-minded people who are on a similar journey.

For me LifePlugin is like a well-meaning friend holding your hand and taking you along a journey which will see you a much better person after these 3 days!

If there is only one conference you can attend this year to improve yourself holistically, then definitely go for LifePlugin.

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Pancham Prashar
Nutrition & Performance Coach and Co-Founder, Cue Blocks

“What I experienced was not just nice but redemptive.”

For so many years I have seen many drastic deviations in my life, it was like my life was put on a fast forward mode while I was on a roller-costar. Countless ups and down, numerous changes but one thing that has always remained constant and that is I was a misfit. I was a misfit in my family, at school, in my college everywhere but not here. For the first time, I came across people who were ready to understand, people who were not just throwing advice at me but helped and encouraged me to figure it out myself.

What I experienced was acceptance and empathy. What I experienced was not just nice but redemptive.

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Sonam Shekhawat
Script Editor at Tiny Pop, London,UK or Emmy Award-winning screenwriter

“Friendships are my biggest takeaway from LifePlugin”

“Friendships are my biggest takeaway from LifePlugin”“For someone who has been reading books and materials on Personal Transformation, since the section at bookstores was called ‘self-help’, no workshop or event in India has seemed exciting enough for me to try.

One of the best things that has happened to me this year was being at this summit and meeting incredible humans from across the nation who are as committed to their personal growth as you are.

Friendships aremy biggest takeaway from LifePlugin. Every human that I’m in touch with post the summit is the embodiment of loving and kind energy; the one that I wish to surround myself with and the one I wish to be for others.

And if you thought, well what’s so fresh about such a community? What stayed with me other than my learning? It’s this one. Between all these amazing sessions, my AHA moment was doing breathwork with some sick beats and having an out of body experience due to it. It was my first meditation experience with chanting involved, and I would love for every living organism in this universe to experience this. It’s orgasmic. It’s divine.”

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Vidya Sethi
Creator of Maikai Clothing

“In the 65 days since LifePlugin, I’ve been a lot fitter, and feel younger. I’ve lost 10 kgs.”

LifePlugin was one of the most transformational events I’ve ever attended. From fitness to mindfulness, to personal growth, the learnings at LifePlugin touched all the right chords!

In the 65 days since LifePlugin, I’ve been a lot fitter, and feel younger. I’ve lost 10 kgs, maintaining a healthy diet, more mindful, super productive at work, and I’ve discovered a rejuvenated version of myself.

Srinivas Kulkarni
HR Director at Social Kinnect

“I feel I found my “high vibe tribe”

LifePlugin was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I have been to a lot of personal development seminars and workshops but LifePlugin has a totally different vibe. The founders have put in so much effort to make this more of an experience rather than making it a boring seminar so while you are working at bettering yourself, you’re also having fun and connecting with like-minded people.

I have found two very precious friends in this summit who have instantly become family and I completely owe it to LifePlugin. I feel I found my “high vibe tribe”❤

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Ayesha Wadiwala
Makeup Artist & Beauty Coach

“LifePlugin was that & in hindsight – a huge part of my evolution”.

Last year in June, I decided to take a sabbatical from public speaking. I felt that I needed to accept my new reality, understand it, heal from it and evolve through it before I took the stage again. It had been a painful eight months as most healing is.

In March this year, LifePlugin gave me the first opportunity to return to the stage to share my new journey & realisations.

It was obviously anervous time because no one had seen me in this new avatar & I had not had the opportunity to present it publicly.

LifePlugin was an ecosystem of curated attendees, amazing speakers, and thought-provoking experiences that allowed me to express myself safely. The thing about growth is that a person heals in solitude, but when they come out, their first exposure needs to be a safe environment. LifePlugin was that & in hindsight, a huge part of my evolution.

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Shayamal Valabhjee
Sports Scientist & Performance Psychologist

“I cannot and do not want to imagine a life without LifePlugin!”

I had given up on any desire to excel in this cruel messed up world. LifePlugin is what destroyed all the false notions I had accumulated over the past few years of university. A single conversation is all it took to bring me back to life. My desire to master my intellect, to get in shape, to make money, to explore, all of it came back when I realized that I’m not the only one.

Coming across LifePlugin has been the single most important thing in life yet. I cannot and do not want to imagine a life without LifePlugin!

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Meron Yazdegardi
Self Employed

“A portal to connect back to who you authentically are, a safe space to let go of the pretense”

“I came in with no expectations, left with a deep sense of my truths. Some truths that I was ignoring and delaying for a while, some that were buried deep in stories that I told myself and some that filled me with gratitude. LifePlugin is a celebration of the whole being – “the body, mind and soul” along with a tribe that is so committed to changing their consciousness.

A place where your soul is recognized and respected for being real, where you can let your guards down get inspired and learn

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Shubhra Chaturvedi
Aromatherapist, Writer, Co-Founder Meraki Essentials

“An environment where everyone wants to see you grow and bloom is such a rare find”

The concept of LifePlugin really caught my eye and it was an impulsive decision to attend it. And I’m so glad I did. The facilitators are people who live by the principles they speak about. An environment where everyone wants to see you grow and bloom is such a rare find. It’s not just talks. You get a direction with action steps and you have your tribe always pushing you forward.

In our daily life, we don’t give ourselves time to pause and reflect on things. I got to do that here. There weresome beautiful sessions. It’s something you should definitely experience once to say the least. Can’t wait to reunite with my tribe again.

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Shruti Mohan
Business Development Manager, Centillon

“It’s not just a 3-day event that’s forgotten once you leave, it’s a place to build lifelong friendships and share growth..”

LifePlugin didn’t just give me the opportunity to teach and speak, it created connections on a soul, heart, mind and body level with so many of the participants who I am still in touch with regularly. It’s not just a 3 day event that’s forgotten once you leave it’s a place to build lifelong friendships and share growth.. I would highly recommend this event.

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Paramjit Pam Anand
Yoga & Meditation Teacher

“You may come out a changed person, just like I did”

I not only gathered profound insights into how to take my life to another level but I also got to really deeply reflect on the current state of my life. I feel by the end of it I transformed myself fundamentally while attending quite a few stellar sessions. )

Sessions on identifying my core values and forgiveness have truly changed my perspective on myself as well as few of my relationships, something I didn’t believe could happen. I highly recommend attending the LifePlugin Summit. Who knows, you may come out a changed person, just like I did :

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Niluufer Jain
Founder – The Happy Career Project

“LifePlugin for me is synonymous with life celebration.”

LifePlugin for me is synonymous with life celebration. Learning life-changing skills in fun-filled manner has been the hallmark of the summit. Great content, top class speakers, aesthetically conceived, structured and organized at must-visit locations. It’s a delight to be a part of the LifePlugin ecosystem.

The program has a life-changing impact and is worth every bit of investment. Look forward to many more editions and wish the entire team a great future ahead.

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Amit Aggarwal
Managing Director At Anushri Commodities

“Only if I knew that others could take me on a transformation journey like LifePlugin, my holistic approach towards life would have been found with less pain and more love from people”

I always believed that I was self aware, that I learnt through my actions. But only if I knew that others could take me on a transformation journey like LifePlugin, my holistic approach towards life would have been found with less pain and more love from people from my tribe. This summit opened my eyes and heart to the bigger purpose of community, commitment and success.

I now practice a mental, physical and spiritual approach towards life. I am making a point to give back to the societythrough whatever timely contributions I can. I make it a point to meet people from the tribe at least once a week to replenish my energy levels through the hugs, talks and dances. Thank you LifePlugin Summit team for these friendships of a lifetime.

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Surashree Rahane
India Education lead at HP Angel Investor with India Network

“Thought-provoking talks, curated-curious thinkers, great vibes! It’s a must have experience if your soul craves for it.”

The ocean of wisdom can be difficult to navigate given the flood of information we live with everyday. LifePlugin is a beautiful getaway to understand the ocean through individuals that feels like rivers and idea that form their tributaries, all converging to form a greater vision of helping people meet their highest potential.

Thought-provoking talks, curated-curious thinkers, great vibes! It’s a must have experience if your soul craves for it.

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Deepak Ramola
Founder & Artistic Director at Project FUEL

“I saved whatever I had to make this experience count for me. The 3 days during LifePlugin were the best days of my life.”

The experience that I got was the real gem for me, the network I found are the best people I would keep forever in my life, the learnings, growth, reflection were immensely beautiful.

Imagine an environment where everyone is obsessed with self-growth and lifts you up with them together, this is what LifePlugin is. LifePlugin has become a part of me now.

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Prelisa Dahal
Student, Computer Science President 19.20, AIESEC in Kathmandu University, Nepal

“LifePlugin Summit was hands down one the best decisions I have made so far.”

Attending the LifePlugin Summit was hands down one the best decisions I have made so far. What I experienced at this summit was beyond singular personal growth. It provided me with interactions on a very raw, honest level and isn’t that always the best kind of human connection? The speakers were not only incredibly inspiring but they humanized all their awesomeness with such integrity and humility – it made me leave every session with a true feeling of ‘This really is possible.’ The dancesessions, the playground the hug therapy, the ice bath and the sugar cubes were amongst my top favourites.

I would recommend every single person. We were 150 strangers who became one in 72 hours !

I also love that I am now a part of this tribe. It gives me this warm, fuzzy, happy feeling just like all the hugs we doled out constantly for 3 days. A big thank you to everyone who made this new kind of Disneyland a reality.

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Aahana Mulla
Author & Creator of Happy Quotient.

I was told ‘What happens in the 6 months after LifePlugin is sheer magic’ and I was sold. While I have been to multiple personal development / growth summits, what lured me also was the ‘realness’ of the facilitators and their ability to deeply and authentically connect. Be it from the welcome group to the speakers, the energy around them was that of humility, love and passion. The team that was putting it together was a reflection of the magic and I was very curious to the unfolding of the next few days.

After a year of experiencing an intense rollercoaster journey, my 17 ½ year old son and I came to Goa to understand what more could this year of learning offer us.We came with eager hearts, open minds and acomfort of being amongst those we knew. And boy oh boy, were we both amazed. Now more than a month later, I can definitely say I feel that magic after the summit. Something shifted and shifted distinctly.

The Summit left for both my son and I, truly authentic connections and friendships. And this to me is a big gift, because it allows one to experience and learn different facets of oneself as we explore that of the other. We both left feeling what we experienced here was not something we had before. It lacked superficiality, it renewed our belief in one self and left us eager to take on that which is to come.

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Christina M. Ghose
Associate Partner at Quantum Consumer Solutions

“LifePlugin opened parts of me which were unopened earlier. It was a cathartic experience. This tribe and its content grows on you quietly. It offers me wings to fly, and roots to hold”

As a Human Resources person & Leadership Coach for close to 16 years, life changing experiences, self-transformation workshops & growth programs are not new to me. I am also clearly aware of the reality that most of such programs end up being a pseudo community, fun retreat & a short lived feel good factor. But LifePlugin surprised me big time; oh boy! I would advice you go for it & decide for yourself.

Who knows, it may change you as it changed me.

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Vishwapriya Kochhar
Managing Director & Co Founder – BlewMinds Consulting

“It does only one thing- lifts you higher than you could ever go alone.”

I went with zero expectations and came back with something that completely altered my perception of social connections.

What LifePlugin did over 2019 for me was that I was able to find a network of diverse, positive, authentic influencers who supported each other, reinforced each other and made each other better.


the second summit, I was left with the feeling that no matter what curve-balls life threw at me, this is one tribe that would make me more resilient. Secondly, attending each summit serves as a barometer ofmy own personal growth, because I can look back and assess how much I’ve grown since each one. Plus there are always new teachers and new experiences and new friends to be made. I think what the three founders have done is magically imbibe their own DNA into the very program structure in such a way that anyone who plays full out leaves with access to a collective intelligence that does only one thing- lifts you higher than you could ever go alone.

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Mugdha Pradhan
Mugdha Pradhan Nutritionist, Founder of Thrive

“People always tell you to surround yourself with people who push you to do better, but what they can’t tell you is “where to find such people”. Well, LifePlugin is the answer.”

LifePlugin changes the trajectory of your life. Those three days for me were kind of the reset button in my life. Imagine yourself like Windows and one corrupt file is hampering your performance and causing stagnation, LifePlugin is the restart function to get rid of that.

From being a complacent and bitter person to become a growth seeker, that’s what LifePlugin did to me.

And I did not just take back the wisdom from the speakers and session. But, by the end of summit, I had a community of people around who were growth seekers. Always sharing great inspiring content and being there to be a growth partner. I had such strong sense of belonging to the tribe that I felt I could share my deepest insecurities and not being judged.

I am happily addicted to personal growth and plan to stay like this for the rest of my life and LifePlugin Summit is my tool to ensure that I continue my growth trajectory.

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Shubham Gulati
Business Mentor & Digital Marketing Expert