A Space To Grow

You’re living in the greatest time in history to be a self-starter.
Where those who win are mixing experience with experimentation.
The only question left is, are you ready to grow?

Our Mission

At lifeplugin we aim to create a disneyland for learning & education. We believe that learning needs to be intrinsically motivating and a lifelong adventure, that helps people create a successful & meaningful life. We curate the best teachings in transformational education, powered by a community of A-players from over 15 countries, and building a culture of transformation through our epic events & masterminds.Our curriculum is designed to unleash your highest potential. It’s about creating a truly extraordinary life for ourselves. It’s about getting fitter & healthier, being a better partner, a better leader, having high self-esteem, being spiritually fulfilled, making a positive impact in your community, and living life in wonder. In a nutshell, our mission is to enable you to live a more adventurous, joyful and fulfilling life.

“The smartest people in the world; The outliers, The game changers,
The moonshot takers.. They never quit their education,
They simply escape the outdated education system."

Gautam Khetrapal, Co-Founder LifePlugin

Our Manifesto

We believe shared principles are the foundation
for building an authentic community.

Play All Out

While you join our experience, play, make new friends, have a laugh, break into a dance, and don’t take yourself too seriously.

Have Child-Like Wonder

There is power in unlearning.Be curious and come with a beginners mind.

Spread Love

Connect with everyone, don’t just fanboy the big speakers. Everybody has a story to tell.

Be A Growth Addict

Our tribe acknowledges the difference between personal knowledge and personal growth. This creates a culture of actions & achievements.

Build Relationships

Our events aren’t about resumes. It’s about building lifelong relationships. Take the time to truly know those around you.

Open To New Experiences

There may be conversations or experiences outside your comfort zone, often they are the most meaningful.

Our Team

Gautam KhetrapalCo-Founder LifePlugin
Sushant MahajanOperations Manager
Bhavika Goyal Tribe Curator
Ayush GuptaFinance & Legal
Vendi KyselaSocial Media Manager
Rahul DhimanConference Host
Ananya Ahuja Partnerships & PR
Arjun Sharma Events Manager

LifePlugin in News

Stay in the know on LifePlugin's most recent activities: Explore our event features and celebrate our achievements as we continue to make a positive impact in the transformational experience community.



We partner with value driven organizations to ignite limitless possibilities for transformational and wellness experience enthusiasts.