A Spiritual Pilgrimage
for Visionary

This is a Spiritual Incubator specifically Tailored for High-impact Entrepreneurs, where you alchemise your success into spiritual riches. Specifically designed for visionary entrepreneurs as they push themselves further than most, create massive results and honour their unique gifts by paying it forward in their communities.

This is an invitation to dive deep into sophisticated transformational practices from the East & the West, and allow your highest self to emerge.

The best part, you do it with the people who "get" you, and celebrate life together in an epic paradise location.

"I learnt things I didn't
even know existed, that
could elevate my game to
the next level"

Ashish Tulsian

Co-founder & CEO @ Restroworks

"It unlocked a new
dimension of self-love
that didn't exist before"

Sakshi Tulsian

Co-founder & CRO @ Posist

"The only agenda here is
"YOU". And it deeply
impacts every area of
your life"

Ayush Jaiswal

Co-founder & CEO @ Pesto Tech

Space To Grow

Being a transformational leader is a path for a very few, and the path chooses the person. This is a great privilege to serve in this way. But the road is long, the load is heavy & compounding, and there are very few people who “get” you.

We design an experience for your natural wisdom & love to emerge. Now it may take to be shaken by some sacred plant medicines, or deep buddhist meditations, or plunge in a pool filled with ice, or a human behavior game, a desert safari, or a private concert by the bonfire.. or maybe all of it. We got you covered.

LifePlugin's gift is to design transformational environments that foster elevating friendships. These are not just relationships where you unload your heaviness, that's just a beautiful by-product. These are cool friendships that when you speak, the time stops. You laugh till your stomach hurts, you play with each other like you are back in high school, you are inspired by their stories and feel held in their love.

"It's a journey back
into your soul. I haven't felt
this grateful in life in a
long time"

Arpit Jain

Co-founder & CEO @ SplashLearn

"I got to look inwards for
the first time in years"

Chiquita Gulati

Chef & Owner @ Spice Market

"The self-development
here surpasses anything
I've done before; it's in a
league apart"

Ankit Oberoi

Founder & CEO @ AdPushup

5 Reasons to
Join This Immersion

1.The Unconventional

From Icebaths, to Sacred Plant Medicine Ceremonies, to Transformational Breathwork, to sophisticated Longevity & Biohacking principles, Chinese medicine, Chiropractics opening up the spine & energy centers of the body, to Buddhist psychology, ancestral & karmic blockage assessment, to Acute Cold & Heat exposure, to movement therapy, and MANY more. We bring together philosophies from the East & the West and weave a transformational curriculum to bring you in your highest frequency of love & wisdom.


Our transformational philosophy has been carefully cultivated by Gautam for over 10 yrs with the sole purpose of complimenting the depth of impact a visionary entrepreneur holds.

Here it's not just about Biohacking to get fitter, but about honouring your body as a vessel for fulfilling your purpose. It's not about meditating for peace & calm, but about centering ourselves to discover our true Buddha nature within. It's not about healing your traumas, but about seeing them as your teachers on our path of self-actualisation.

This is a space to transform the experience of our life into a school for enlightenment and see everything in our path as our unique curriculum.


Finding like-minded people is not the real challenge for Visionary entrepreneurs. But here, you transform such connections into Elevating Friendships that are playing the game of entrepreneurship as a vessel for Spiritual growth. LP's gift is to design a safe space for epic leaders to put down their guards, get real, celebrate, play & grow together.


The idea is to turn our spiritual growth into a lifelong adventure, and it can only be possible when the process is infused with joy & celebration. So Be Spoiled like Royalties. Honour & celebrate your life journey in a Larger-than-life setting. Get transported to spectacular villas surrounded by lush greenery, or a castle in the middle of the desert, or a chalet by a secret waterfall. Farm-to-table healthy meals, Boutique spas, Outdoor vibe, unplugged from day to day, and other MANY surprises.


At the deepest levels of our being, Love & Healing are the same thing. So as you come for healing, be prepared to receive love bombs from beginning to the end.

This is what makes LP experiences out-of-the-world. Our team has been committed to SPECIFICALLY creating such loving spaces for the past 15 yrs, it's the only way we know. This experience is like sitting by the fire in a warm fluffy blanket, under a cold starry night sky, with the people that get yourheart wide open.

The Immersion

This program is carefully designed to
guide you on deeper and deeper journeys
into yourself with each passing day

Immersions Agenda

How each day unfolds

Growth, Healing and deep connections demand vulnerability. As we step into the space, there is a need to put down the psychological armouring we carry, this armour protects us from experiencing pain from old wounds, keeps us strong and has got us to this point. To step into your highest self there is a need to take down the armour, release the extra weight that we don't need anymore and begin the greatest spiritual adventure of your life yet.

Day 1 is about creating psychological safety, foster genuine deep connections through play, cool exercises and sincere reflections. This sets the foundation for the depth of transformation unfolding in the following days.

Day 2 is dedicated for allowing old wounds & limiting beliefs to resurface, process them with grace, and undergoing processes to releasing them into the fire. Symbolically our old-self will step into the cleansing fire and with processes of energy healing & subconscious reprogramming, offer our old selves (old patterns) to the sacred fire.. and be ready to be re-born again.

Day 3 is the process of rebirth. Unlocking energetic blockages in the physical body, releasing emotional weight from our psychological bodies, it's the day to prepare to connect with our highest self. There will be Mindfulness trainings to prepare for plant medicine ceremony, body work through the day receive the wisdom of the medicine with ease and ending with a night ceremony under the stars with live musicarios and medicine men & women.

This is the last day of this retreat. The day to Pledge and Celebrate. This is the day for our vision for the future. We want to step into this vision from our highest self (de-armoured and connected to the source). The day will include exercises to remember our true strength and our purpose in the world. An inspiring exploration of our vision for the life ahead and end with a sunset closing ceremony followed by a special Gala dinner and celebration.

The People


The Experience

5 Pillars of Programming

Sacred Plant

Spiritual Growth


Longevity &

Longevity &

Meet Your Hosts

Gautam Khetarpal

Gautam is a high-performance entrepreneur featured on stages such as Mindvalley, UNESCO, Microsoft and BNI. His TEDx Talk on turning your learning into a personal growth adventure, has garnered over 7 Million views.

He combines his training in Buddhist Mindfulness teaching, subconscious re-programming and social psychology to artfully guide people through personal breakthroughs. He has raving testimonials from Emmy winning writers, NYT Bestselling authors, 9-figure CEOs and world-renowned Sports scientists.

Siddhant Chaudhary

Driven by curiosity and creativity, Siddhant is a seasoned Experience Designer with over 15 years of expertise in creating transformational events worldwide. His unique blend of skills in experiential, youth, and influencer marketing has fueled the success of global brands from the Netherlands to Singapore.

His role diversity as a marketer, trainer, facilitator, and consultant has been instrumental in shaping his unique, impactful approach to event curation. Siddhant seamlessly blends art, tech, and spirituality, crafting immersive experiences that invite participants to shift perspectives and rediscover purpose & meaning.

The Ticket

$ 7499

All Inclusive Package

Lifeplugin Immersion

  • All Access Pass
  • All Workshops
  • All Meals & Culinary Experence
  • Activities & Wellness Gatherings
  • Transportation Between All Scheduled Activities

"Adventures only happen to the adventurous"



Please Note : Space is limited to few spots only

What are attendees saying

Want To Attend LifePlugin
Immersion Event?

Begin your application process by sharing your details below


*Space is limited to 30 spots only

Frequently Asked Questions

All our confirmed speakers are mentioned on the section ‘Meet Our Teacher’. We are always adding more teachers till a month before the event. A detailed agenda will be announced 2-3 weeks before the event.

If you’re on a tight schedule and flying in just for the Summit we suggest you time yourself to arrive on Friday morning and depart Monday morning. Every summit ends with a special closing event, so we advise not checking out before Monday.

The Summit begins at 12pm on Friday afternoon and will run through Sunday Night.
Each morning will begin at 7:30am with a morning exercise. Times are flexible and outcomes are absolute so end times will vary – we do advise in preparing for late nights as there you will find yourself connecting with the other attendees and enjoying the socials.
A large part of this Summit is focused on you creating your strategies for your Life Design. So with all the speakers and workshops, you will be taking a lot of notes, so bring your favourite notepads.
There will be stretch, snack and meal breaks throughout the day. You’ll be given breaks for lunch and dinner, and you can eat either at the hotel or in nearby food outlets.

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