Biggest Myth About Having A Perfect Day

In a conversation with a friend about daily routine, she gave me a long argument that went something like this:

“… I am unable to have enough time in the day, there is way too many things to do. Some days, I am unable to go to the gym, because I am too tired, or not motivated, or feeling low because of the day and feel like rewarding myself by relaxing. I don’t feel too happy to start work somedays, I guess I am moody…”

This conversation went for about 15 mins, I have heard similar challenges from many people, and I have had these challenges myself in the past.

So, the question is, how do I have a perfect day?

The answer is – you can’t.

Not by careful planning of the activities of the day or having just a positive attitude towards the day or life. These things will certainly help though.

Why? Because we don’t have full control on how the day will unfold, what are the unplanned things/conversations that will tax us or distract us from our vision of a perfect day.

Let’s start with what constitutes the perfect day, make your own list, here is mine:

  1. Productivity. Getting shit done. Whatever are my tasks (ideally, just ONE thing), that’s contributing to my future success professionally.
  2. Exercise
  3. Feeling driven and excited for the day, full of energy.
  4. Inner peace. Like Kung Fu Panda
  5. Positive experiences with people that I work & live with.
  6. Giving. Taking care of my colleagues, family, friends in whichever way I can.

There is no
better time
to build

For a lot of the things in the list, we require some concentration/focus/determination, which requires willpower. And sometimes, we are unable to conjure willpower at will, which is why sometimes we do everything we want to do in our day (and more), and other times its rather difficult. Willpower is an amazing tool and there are simple ways you can adopt to have a command on your willpower.

Now, back to the question of having a perfect day, how do we make sure that we have energy (willpower is also physical energy) to fulfil our requirements of the perfect day, everyday.

Here is the answer:

The goal should not be having a perfect day, rather having a highly energised start to the day. Positive energy creates positive momentum.

Gary Keller in his incredible book ‘The ONE Thing’, mentions how highly effective people have a highly energised start of the day:

Highly effective person’s daily energy plan:

  1. Meditate & pray for Spiritual energy
  2. Eat right and exercise and sleep sufficiently for Physical energy
  3. Hug, kiss and laugh with loved ones for Emotional energy
  4. Set goals, plans and calendar for Mental energy
  5. Time block your calendar till you get the ONE thing of the day done, for Business energy

Does this work? Hell yes. Since I have organised my mornings to cater to the model above, my productivity has skyrocketed and I can’t wait to start my days everyday.




Here is how I have been starting my days and have been working phenomenally for me:

5:20am: Wake up to the most beautiful woman, spend 15–20 mins with her just being hopelessly romantic.

6:00am – 7:10am: Hit the gym, Crossfit, because it’s just awesome.

7:10am – 7:40am: Shower, get ready for office, protein shake and/or fruits

7:45am – 8:20am: Meditate

8:30am – 10:45am: Disappear for everyone (no phone, emails, FB) until I get the most important thing of the day done and plan the rest of the day.

10:53am is when my first office meeting starts and by this time I am done with most important items of the day and overflowing with energy.

I highly recommend planning your start of the day so you energise yourself with as much Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Mental and Business energy as you can. And you will start to notice a major shift in your life.


Let me know your recipe for a perfect day in the comments below

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